How to use the ENVIROMUX-SEMS-16 configmaker for MRTG: 1. Install the envsems_cfgmaker file in the same directory as the mrtg cfgmaker file. Example: /usr/local/mrtg-2.15.0/bin for a Linux installation. 2. Ensure that the ENVIROMUX-SEMS-16 is turned on and connected to the network. Enable SNMP polling on the device. 3. Run the envsems_cfgmaker file, sending the output to the directory where you want the mrtg.cfg file to reside. Example for a UNIX/Linux Installation: ./envsems_cfgmaker --output /home/web/mrtg/mrtg.cfg Example for a Windows Installation: perl envsems_cfgmaker \mrtgdata\mrtg.cfg The script will automatically poll your ENVIROMUX-SEMS-16 unit and set up the appropriate configuration for each of the sensors detected. 4. Edit the mrtg.cfg file to set the working directory and the location of the ENVIROMUX-SEMS-16 MIB file (see the sample file provided). You can edit the file with any text editor of your choice. • In the Global Config section un-comment and change the WorkDir path as necessary. • Change the LoadMibs: line to include the path to the MIB file. • To run in Windows installations, uncomment the RunAsDaemon line. This can be used in UNIX/Linux installations as well. 5. Edit and save mrtg.cfg before running the MRTG command