E-MICRO FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES Last Update 2024/10/14 This listing provides the version number, the date of the release, and a summary of the changes in that release for the firmware file for the NTI E-MICRO-T(RHP) Micro Environment Monitoring Systems. The E-MICRO had changes made to its hardware design. The revised design requires firmware version 3.21 (or newer) to work properly. With an older firmware version you will not be able to set the time. If you downgrade a unit with version 3.21 (or newer) to an earlier firmware, you will need to upgrade it back to 3.21 (or newer) to have the E-MICRO work properly. Units made after 12/22/21 will require version 3.21 or newer. 3.31 2024/10/14 Feature Add: Provides the option to add the Device Location in administration settings. This will be reflected in SNMP and Email alerts. -Note: This feature requires the updated v1.07 MIB file. Feature Add: Provides the ability to disable SNMP writes on entire device for security. Feature Change: Remove visibility of IP camera password. 3.30 2023/06/26 Bug Fix: Corrects unresponsive Web Server when connected to public network or scanned by a network scanner (additional update to v3.29). 3.29 2023/03/03 Feature Change: Provides improved HTTP & HTTPS performance. Feature Change: Added event log entries for Acknowledging/Dismissing Alerts and Return to Normal conditions. Bug Fix: Corrects unresponsive Web Server when connected to public network or scanned by a network scanner. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem when attempting to send an email via a hmail server (the device receives a server timeout error -15). Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with Notification-Type not defined on the MIB file. - Note: This change requires the updated v1.06 MIB file. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with TLS/STARTTLS email not working without SNTP. 3.28 2022/08/02 Feature Add: Provides support for MODBUS TCP Feature Change: Adds the device and alert names to SYSLOG alerts and SNMP traps. - Note: This change requires the updated v1.05 MIB file. Feature Change: Updates the automatic configuration reload feature for the E-MNG-SH. 3.27 2022/06/24 Feature Add: Adds OAUTH support for sending emails using Gmail. Feature Change: Provides support for viewing the current network information via the API. Feature Change: Provides JSON response for deleting the event log via the API. Note: If a device is "downgraded" to an earlier software version than 3.27, the unit will restore to default settings. 3.26 2022/04/22 Bug Fix: When the contents of the e-mail recipients list is over 200 characters the E-MICRO-TRH(P) fails to send e-mails and reboots Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the e-mail time stamp being incorrect when DST is enabled. 3.25 2022/04/07 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the Real Time Clock not maintaining the correct date on units with the new Rev B circuit boards. 3.24 2022/02/11 Feature Add: Provides the ability to save and upload the system configuration. 3.23 2022/01/12 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with a combination of username and password lengths of over 29 characters results in login failures Bug Fix: Corrects a problem where when a humidity value is close to zero the E-MICRO randomly fails to respond to HTTP requests. 3.22 2021/12/22 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with some e-mail servers rejecting the message due to a lack of a date / time stamp. 3.20 2021/10/28 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the data log getting corrupted/erased after 30 days of logging when a restart, power cycle, or power failure occurs. We recommend downloading the data log prior to updating the firmware. There is a chance that the log may get cleared 3.19 2021/09/15 Feature Change: Adds support for plain text email format. Feature Change: Adds the ability to clear the data log via a JSON command. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem where the hour field in a SYSLOG message is missing the leading 0 for the hours 00 to 09. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem where the device is not rebooting properly if a user name is longer than 16 characters. (The maximum supported username length is 31 characters.) 3.18 2021/03/26 Feature Change: Adds unit name, sender e-mail address, firmware revision, and serial number to SNMP. - This requires the updated v1.04 MIB file. - This changes the model family name in SNMP from "ENVIROMUX-MICRO" to "E-MICRO" Feature Change: Provides an Event Log entry when the Test E-Mail is pressed and no user e-mail is set. "No valid users found with E-Mail alerts enabled to send test email" Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with negative temperature or humidity values randomly locking up the system. 3.17 2021/01/06 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with long custom alert messages crashing the system. Custom messages are now limited to 96 characters. 3.16 2020/08/18 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with units sending incorrect SNMP Trap OIDs. 3.15 2020/07/31 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with units automatically re-booting after receiving a non-standard SNMPV2 packet. 3.14 2020/07/17 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with units not responding after receiving non-standard SNMP packet. Note: This version and newer updates will not work with the E-MNG software versions v3.2 or older. Note: When "downgrading" to a version older than v3.11 the unit will restore to default settings. 3.13 2020/06/26 New Feature: Provides a new option to change the root user name for increased security. Feature Change: Corrects a problem with sensor name displayed instead of alert name in the Smart Alert list and e-mail notifications. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the loss of network response when a disconnect / connect situation occurs and Failover IP is selected with no DHCP server on the network. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem when daylight savings time is not selected and the event & data log entries are 1 hour ahead of the system time. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with IP cameras not being properly displayed on the web page. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem that causes only 3 IP devices to show up on the management software instead of all 4. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with graphs not always displaying properly when set to 7 days. Change: Changes the model name from ENVIROMUX-MICRO-T(RHP) to E-MICRO-T(RHP) 3.12 2020/03/04 Feature Change: Provides improved color contrast when performing Menu selections Feature Change: Changes the custom alert e-mail message window to accept up to 50 characters. 3.11 2020/02/07 Feature Addition: Adds support for custom alert e-mail message headers. Feature Change: Changes how the Event Log order can be selected: newest entry first or oldest entry first. Feature Change: Adds support for sensor threshold alerts using sensor association with a fixed offset. Feature Change: Adds the ability to set IP Camera security access with username and passwords. The E-MICRO-T(RHP) is now compatible with other E-IPCAM series cameras. Feature Change: Changes the DNS host name length from 32 to 80 characters. This allows for long E-Mail server domain names. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with Group settings not limiting users from getting alerts. NOTE: When "downgrading" to a version older than 3.11 the unit will restore to default settings. 3.10 2019/08/28 Feature Improvement: Some improvements to functions available using Rest API. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with Smart Alert E-mail message format not being correct. Notes: Version 3.9 and newer updates will not work with the E-MNG software versions 3.2 or older. When "downgrading" to a version older than 3.11 the unit will restore to default settings. 3.9 2019/07/02 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the data log graph not loading consistently. Improves the loading performance of the data log graphs. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the data log graph period resetting to 15 Minutes after reboot. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the user edit page not displaying the correct default user privileges. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the sensor summary page not properly updating the external sensors readings on port 2 when there are no sensors connected to port 1 Note: This version and newer updates will not work with the E-MNG software versions 3.2 or older. 3.8 2019/02/26 Feature Add: Adds a restricted user setting that has "read-only" permissions. Feature Change: Changes the behavior of the Data Log graph such that the last Time Range period selected will be the time period setting saved. Whatever the Time Range is set to when you leave the page, that will be the range displayed when you return to that page. Improvement: Updates the SSL Certificate expiration date. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the E-MICRO not sending the correct configuration data to the E-MNG or E-MNG-LC program. NOTE: This version and newer updates will not work with the E-MNG software versions 3.2 or older. NOTE: When "downgrading" to a version older than 3.7 the unit will restore to default settings. 3.7 2018/12/06 Feature Add: Adds the ability to enter in custom alert names Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the NTP function not properly updating the system time. Bug fix: Corrects a problem with incorrect Integrated Dew Point sensor values when downloading csv data files 3.6 2018/09/14 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with STARTTLS not working properly.This affected any encrypted e-mail service such as Gmail, Office365 etc. 3.5 2018/07/18 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with some units losing connectivity after upgrading to software version 3.3 or 3.4. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with Network Time Protocol (NTP) not working properly. NOTE: Any changes to NTP settings requires a reboot of the unit. 3.4 2018/03/20 Feature Add: Adds the ability to enable or disable Telnet. Network Security Enhancement: Can prevent unsecure text menu access to the E-MICRO. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the network dropping out and potentially locking up the unit. Bug Fix: Changes the Event Log function so that entries are preserved when the E-MICRO is re-booted or power-cycled. 3.3 2018/01/04 Feature Add: Adds the ability to offset the Integrated Humidity Sensor. Feature Add: Changes the host name of the unit to the Unit Name setting (the default is E-MICRO) Improvement: Changes the DNS host name length from 32 to 80 characters. This allows support for long e-mail domain names. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with Microsoft Office 365 e-mail support. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with detecting the GSM Modem (E-3GU-5). (This was broken in version 3.0) Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with downloading the data log files. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with sending e-mail alerts to more than one user. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with SNMP Get responses incorrectly sending the OID with an ending leaf (a trailing 0). 3.2 2017/05/17 Feature Add: Adds support for the E-MICRO Android App. Improvement: Changes the E-Mail settings to make it easier to select the security options correctly. 3.1 2017/04/27 Feature Change: Sets DHCP with Failover as the default network setting. Improvement: Adds STARTTLS support for E-mail on port 587. Bug Fix: Corrects several problems with network stability. 3.0 2017/03/16 Feature Change: Removes SSL and adds TLS V1.2 encryption for increased security. This restores support for Gmail and other e-mail servers that use TLS encryption. Note: This update supports ONLY port 465 for email encryption. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with losing the second temp / humidity sensor after 2 days. Feature Improvement: Improves support for SNMP V3. Adds Privacy encryption via DES Note: This update will disable the SNMP agent selection in the web interface. You will need to re-select the desired SMNP Agent. NOTE: If you are using the E-MNG-LC software you will need to update Java to version 1.8 or newer on the server to support this update. 2.9 2016/11/29 Feature Add: Adds support for SNMPv3. Note: Any setting changes re: SNMP in the web interface will require a system reboot to take effect. 2.8 2016/10/21 Bug fix: Corrects a problem with units randomly rebooting when exposed to a high traffic network. 2.7 2016/07/22 Improvement: Improves the communication for the E-TRHM-E7 Temperature / Humidity sensor when using shielded and unshielded CATx cables. NOTE: E-TRHM-E7 sensors manufactured after this date will not work properly with earlier firmware versions. 2.6 2016/07/07 Bug fix: Sensor data now continues to be recorded in datalog even if network connection is lost. 2.5 2016/05/26 Bug fix: Corrects a problem where the E-MICRO will lose its connection to the LAN. This is not noticeable to the customer until they find they cannot connect to the unit to check status. Any alerts that might have been triggered were not being sent. 2.4 2016/04/28 Bug fix: Corrects a problem with properly displaying the Alert web page when there are 24 or more alerts configured. 2.3 2016/04/18 Bug fix: Corrects a problem with SNMP not displaying the Alert information 2.2 2016/03/29 Improvement: Changes the way an E-MICRO-T(RHP) unit is identified during boot up for improved reliability. 2.1 2016/03/11 Feature Add: Improves support for the E-MNG-LC management software for use with the E-MICRO-T(RHP). Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with identifying an E-MICRO-T(RHP) unit on start up or power cycle. 2.0 2016/02/03 Feature Add: Adds the ability to download the data log with date/time format in addition to EPOCH format. Feature Add: Allows IP Devices to be addressed by hostname or numerical IP address. In the previous version, only IP devices with numeric IP address were supported. 1.11 2015/12/16 Feature Add: Adds support for the E-MICRO Management software (Coming Soon). Feature Add: Adds SYSLOG facility selection for each user (Local0 thru Local7). Feature Add: Adds the sensor values to SYSLOG alert messages.l Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the Telnet connection (text menu) not working after the first attempt. 1.10 2015/11/09 Feature Add: Added support for the E-MICRO to work with the updated Nagios plug-in (found on the NTI website- http://www.networktechinc.com/nagios-plugin.html) Feature Add: Adds the ability to send sensor data via SYSLOG Feature Add: Adds the ability to send sensor data via E-mail Feature Add: Adds the ability to test the E-Mail settings Improvement: Changes the default NTP server to 0.nti1.pool.ntp.org 1.9 2015/08/27 Feature Add: Adds IP address and Mac address of the E-MICRO sending the alert to the alert e-mails. Bug Fix: Corrects several problems with user scheduling. Bug Fix: Correct a problem with displaying the correct temperature value in the event log when “ºF” is selected. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with ability to send SMS alert to more than one user. 1.8 2015/06/04 Feature improvement: Data Log graphs will appear more quickly. 1.7 2015/04/03 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with false IP Device alerts. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with NTP update timing. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the temperature value for Fahrenheit in SNMP traps not being correct. 1.6 2015/03/17 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with sending SMS messages to more than one user. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem causing the inability to upgrade software. 1.5 2015/02/26 Bug Fix: Corrects several problems with settings for non-encrypted e-mails. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with SNMP traps not sending correct information to SNMP management software. New MIB file available too. 1.4 2015/02/02 Feature Add: Adds SMTP (e-mail) error messages to the event log. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with temperature values reported by SNMP that do not match the unit of measure set in the system (°C or °F) 1.3 2014/12/16 Feature Add: Added support for E-TRHM temperature/humidity sensor 1.2 2014/12/05 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with the Restore Defaults feature not working reliably. Bug Fix: Corrects problems with setting the date & time manually. 1.1 2014/11/17 Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with turning ON and OFF the USB Vbus properly. This is important when removing the USB Modem from the “OTG” port and switching to a terminal connection instead. Note: Terminal connection is not yet supported. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with editing the name for second E-TRH sensor. Bug Fix: Corrects a problem with displaying the User Schedule time properly. 1.0 2014/11/04 Initial Revision